What exactly are stem cells and why is everyone talking about them? What effect do they have on our health?

A very simple understanding is that stem cells are a neutral cell and they’re capable of differentiating into every other cell in the body. In other words, you have a universal cell, it’s like a universal part that can become anything else. So, if you needed stem cells to make parts for your brain, your nervous system, your heart, your liver, your kidneys, that’s what stem cells do.

Stem cells can divide into other cells in the body and they are part of our bodies repair system. When a part of our body is injured, for example damage to a knee, stem cells are activated to initiate repair.


When stem cells divide, they either replicate themselves, or change into many cell types

So as we’re growing over time and as we’re repairing damage, that’s all stem cells doing that job. When a stem cell divides it can take two different paths, it can either become more stem cells, or it can divide into highly specialized cells like muscle, tissue, liver, heart, kidneys and so forth. And so this is just another way of saying that these stem cells are universal and they can become whatever your body needs them to become.

Another important thing to know about stem cells is that they’re found throughout the entire body. It used to be thought that stem cells were located in the bone marrow and that’s how you get to them, then it was discovered that you’d find stem cells in fatty tissue, so you could extract them from there, but now really what we’re understanding is that adult stem cells are located throughout the body. This is because that these stem cells become specialized and they’re needed at locations throughout the body for normal and for normal repair.

So what if there was a way to stir up these stem cells and make them active again where you could heal the way that you did when you in your 20s? How could we do that? This approach would obviously be very safe, be highly effective, and also inexpensive compared to other methods available.

That’s what the X-39 Patch is all about. X-39 elevates a peptide in the body that will activate stem cells. When you look at the information that we have on the X 39 you are only seeing 5% of the picture, this is an extraordinarily powerful product and it has far-reaching health benefits. This will all be shared at the official launch, but the main thing that you need to know now about this, is this is our stem cell patch.